If you are looking for Hostpinnacle SMS gateway API plugin for the wordpress popular ecommerce plugin known as woocommerce, then this is the best place to get these download, install, plug and play wordpress plugins to facilitate notifications.
Requirements for a woocommerce SMS API integration wordpress plugin.
- Know your SMS country: – some SMS APIs work for specific countries. Hostpinacle works for Kenya.
- Understand if you want shared sender id or dedicated one. Sender id is the custom name used to send one-way SMS to recipient mobile phone numbers. You may use a shared one which is used by many people who send SMS using your chosen SMS gateway or can apply for a custom which is a brand of your business.
- Choose your desired SMS api gateway that accepts sending SMS to your target phone numbers
- Choose the network: In most countries, different networks require different applications for each network. E.g, in Kenya sender id approved to be used for safaricom numbers sms notification cannot be used for Airtel sms notifications until that is applied and approved separately by the SMS gateway.
- Know the SMS sending rates offered by your chosen SMS gateway.
- Understand your SMS api gateway and how to navigate on their portal, check available credits, topup the credits, set and retrieve required API credentials etc.
Examples of WordPress/Woocommerce SMS api Integration plugins.
We have developed several SMS Api integration plugins and the types we have for your use are classified depending on the SMS API gateway they serve. We have Woocommerce SMS api wordpress plugins for hostpinnacle, AfricasTalking, etc
How our SMS api integration wordpress plugins work for your woocommerce notifications.
The wordpress SMS notifications essentially notify your customers using the provided woocommerce features that you set on the SMS plugin settings and notifications page. Majorly, they notify your customers or users depending on the various order processes when an order status changes from no status to Pending payment, to Processing, to On Hold, to completed, to refunded, to failed. Please note that you have to set whether you will notify your users on specific order status changes or not and enter the custom message which will be send. We also have added several order and custom data related placeholders which you can include in your custom SMS and that will be translated by the plugin when the sms is sent.
Feel free to contact us with any other custom feature which you may want to add on your woocommerce notifications requirements and we will be sure to add to the plugin.
Steps to setup the Hostpinnacle SMS plugin for woocommerce
Step 1: Install and activate just like any other wordpress plugin
Step 2: Access the SMS plugin settings area and insert the SMS API credentials which you get from hospitable SMS gateway
Step 3: Activate the customer notifications depending on order status and set the custom messages which you want the woocommerce customers to receive per each order status change. Use the provided placeholders to customize the custom SMS even further.

Step 3: Vendor notifications settings. This SMS plugin for wc integrates well with the WCFM Marketplace to notify vendors when orders made to them are made and change to different status.

brianguru –
This is the best woocommerce SMS API notifications plugin