Payment Plugins

Joomla Hikashop Mpesa API payment plugin

Hikashop has been around serving the whole world in the e-commerce sector. Now, it is the high time you added an Mpesa payment gateway on it because Mpesa is the future of online and mobile payments.

This Hikashop Mpesa plugin is the one we are actually using on our website. Click the button below to test a live demo of different Mpesa APIs in place.

The below Hikashop Payment gateway will help you install and start accepting Mpesa payments on your Hikashop driven Joomla website. Just add to cart, proceed to checkout to download.

Mpesa and Hikashop plugin

Fig 1: Illustration of the Joomla Hikashop administration end of this Hikashop Mpesa gateway.

How to Install this Hikashop Payment plugin or module.

This is actually a normal Joomla plugin but Hikashop component specific. Therefore, the installation process is exactly as you do with other Joomla plugins, packages, components and modules.

Below are the steps to install this Mpesa Hikashop payment option.

  1. Login in your Joomla administrator Control panel.
  2. Click the Extensions on the top menu.
  3. Click the Install option.
  4. Browse and install the zipped file you downloaded as your
  5. Install it.
  6. Browse again to the list of plugins under Joomla extensions and publish/activate it.

How to add this Mpesa payment gateway on your Hikashop.

Using the steps above, the Mpesa Hikashop gateway is already in your Hikashop website. However, you need to add it as any other Hikashop payment gateway.

Follow the below steps to do this.

That is all. You have your Mpesa Hikashop Payment gateway. Test it on the front end of your joomla Hikashop.

 Mpesa Hikashop payment gateway

Fig 2: Illustration of the Joomla/Hikashop front end of the Hikashop Mpesa payment gateway during Checkout.

 Mpesa with Hikashop payment plugin

Fig 3: Illustration of the Popup sent Message after a Popup was sent to an Mpesa number to facilitate payment. 

Figure 4: The Popup appears on the destination Mpesa number as entered on the billing details. Notice the currency conversion that happened automatically because Mpesa will accept Kenya shillings only. This happens with Mpesa Express API.