Payment Plugins

Payment plugins is here for your online Payment software needs

Welcome to Payment plugins, a website dedicated for the sole purpose of developing custom and provision of custom-made Payment gateways and plugins for your websites, standalone software, POS, and Mobile apps. We help you integrate secure payment gateways, mobile payment solutions like Mpesa, MTN, Tigo pesa, and credit card processing like Pesapal, Jenga API functionalities into your websites, mobile apps, and standalone software applications. was born from payments, which is well defined by as the voluntary transfer of in advance agreed money or goods for goods and services and plugins, which is defined so well by as an application which enhances the functionality of an existing software. That is actually true. A payment plugin will enhance the functions of an already built software through providing a payment option. This is well in line with the fact that there is no software on earth which can fit-all situations at a particular time. This is the reason most softwares and websites are built in a way that leaves space to plugin modules, plugins and components and extensions to help anhance its functionalities in a certain desired way.

Rest assured we can write your Payment gateway API integration from scratch

In any programming language, CMS, framework, and studio, be at peace and calm down as the experts work on adding an extra desired Payment gateway for you to start collecting payments easily from your clients across the globe or a specific target market. Check our Payment processor or gateway script.

        $ch = curl_init($setUrl);

        curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,array('X-Parse-Application-Id: myApplicationID',
            'X-Parse-REST-API-Key: myRestAPIKey',
            'Content-Type: application/json'));
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);


Disclaimer: We are not a Payment Gateway, we cannot process transactions on your behalf. What we do is development and integration of APIs for existing payment gateways to work with your websites, mobile apps, and standalone software.

Demos of our Payment plugins

We are linking below demos of our ready-made payment plugins so you can test our skills before you hire us. You may also hire us for custom payment gateway and plugins deveopment. You simply need to provide your payment processing requirements and we will give you our quote and payment terms and we get to work.